In 2015, what began as a search for a local program for my daughter, resulted in the formation of our elementary school’s first Model UN Program. Directed by a parent and supported by the school’s PTA, the program attracted over thirty fifth-graders in its first year.
When my daughter entered middle school, I brought the Model UN program there. In addition to attending the GCDC workshops and obtaining their curriculum, I reached out to seasoned coordinators of other area programs to learn best practices and adapt them for our students.
Although, for the last five years, the Model UN program has been praised by teachers, school administrators and the PTA, teachers have shied away from assuming a directorial role pointing to the inability to commit their time. In response, parent volunteers have dedicated hours of their time to head the program. However, as students of parent volunteers transition through the schools, so do committed parent volunteers, leaving the future existence of the program unknown.
As I reckoned with the fact that my children were quickly transitioning from their schools, I felt compelled to do for more children what I was able to do for mine; bring them Model UN. I created a proposal, which was approved by Paula Boland, United Nations Association of the National Capital Area (UNA-NCA) president and was ready to turn this calling into a career when the COVID-19 pandemic closed school buildings. Soon thereafter, GCDC had to cancel their spring conference, too. Undaunted, we held our own virtual conference, which was recognized by UNA-NCA.
We decided to continue to volunteer as Model UN administrators for the following virtual school year (2020-21). We held virtual meetings and attended GCDC’s first-ever virtual Model UN conference. One of our very own was selected to be the Student Secretary General. It was a rewarding experience for us all. I shared this with our students at the end of that year:
The years during Covid tested all of us; our perseverance, our resilience, our ability to be innovative, our tolerance, and our compassion. During that challenging year, our students inspired us by their dedication to do their best, their commitment to challenging themselves by tackling complicated world issues, by being steadfast in being present and engaged after a long school day, and by their empathy and calls for awareness and change when confronted with our world’s inequities. They demonstrated to us that they were not only our future leaders, but a present empowered movement for change for our today. We were incredibly honored to shoulder that challenging experience with you. It is one we will never forget.
Audré Park
In the summer of 2021, we could look forward to a school year back in school buildings and decided it was finally the right time to establish Global Minds, LLC.
Our Team
Audré Park
Audré is passionate about providing opportunities for children to learn about global issues. Prior to being an immigration attorney, she was a 9th grade English teacher. In 2015, as a volunteer parent, she brought the Model UN Program to her daughters’ schools as a way to enhance their global perspectives. As her children matriculated out of their respective schools, she realized that the program was entirely dependent on the availability of parental and teacher volunteers. She founded Global Minds LLC with the hope of establishing a reliable, sustainable program. Audré not only personally teaches the program, she also serves on the Board of Directors of the United Nations Association of the National Capital Area as a Director at Large.
I have personally experienced how transformative Model UN is for students. I can attest not only to my own children’s impactful understanding of their global citizenship, but of countless students who have developed their voices of advocacy to make a difference in our world.
Audré Park
Shreelata Durbhakula
Shreelata is a local pediatrician whose two daughters are passionate about Model UN and have won numerous awards. One daughter, who is now in high school, is a Model UN instructor at a local middle school. Lata has coordinated our programs since 2016.
MUN was and continues to be life altering for my daughters. Audré created an incredible program to help kids find their voice and jump into action about their passions. I am so grateful that I get to join in on this journey!
Lata Durbhakula
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide Model UN as a before- or after-school enrichment program retained by a PTA or school that has registered with GCDC. Our organization will provide administrative services and secure instructors. Thus, a school’s formation of a Model UN Program will be a reflection of student interest rather than teacher availability. Further, this organization strengthens the continuity of existing relationships between schools and GCDC as well as create new ones.